Monday 11 July 2016

How compete liberty may be achieved

It is no secret that socialist attempts have failed insofar. From the thinly-veiled despot states of Russia and China to the short-lived martial rules in Paris and Spain, communism has failed to make the impact we all hoped it would. But how will communism rise to power, liberating the peoples of the world? This post answers just that question.

Saturday 14 May 2016

A note on the schedule of this blog

Owing to the likely long nature of the posts on here, it is likely posts will come at most twice a week. I hope to keep this site open for as long as I still have valid opinions that have not been shared. If I were to blog any more regularly, I regret to say that it is likely my posts would decline in quality. Do not fear, however, as I have several more intriguing topics in the pipeline! It'd be great if I were to make this into a daily site where people can go to learn a little more about the world.
See you later,

Political ideals as I view them

It is no secret that Bertrand Russel's book has had a great impact on the world we live in today. Yet I am here to share with you my own take on it.
The most important political ideal today is a government actually respecting and doing the community's desired actions; our governments today do not do that. For a government to do such a thing, we must adopt socialism and direct democracy in synthesis. Thank you for reading this post. Remember to visit Elliott Cook's G+